
4.1 Write Module

4.1.1 Write Module:

The Write module in the Elumity menu bar allows you to write, edit, share and keep all your research in one place.

You can access the Write module by clicking the "Write" menu option in the Elumity top menu bar.

Write Module

4.1.2 Write Module Interface:

Once you open the Write module, you'll be greeted by an empty document, ready to be populated by all your necessary thesis information, such as the Title, Authors, Affiliation, Tags, Abstract, and of course, the Thesis or Paper itself.

New Write Document

As you add references to your Write document, they will appear at the end of the document, labeled "References".

References Section

The sidebar can be expanded or closed depending on your preference. The sidebar itself allows you to create and move content between the write document and cards.

4.1.3 The Rich Text Editor menu bar:

Similar to what we covered in the Cards section, the Rich Text Editor appears here as well, with all the edit functions you're used to in cards.

By default, the editor functions are Fixed to the top of the document, however a Floating option is also available if you'd rather write without any disctractions.

RTE Menu

4.1.4 Adding information:

Adding information such as Authors, Affiliation and Tags is as simple as you'd expect.

Simply enter the full name of the Author, Affiliation or whichever Tag you feel represents your document best, and add a comma at the end. This will automatically create a numbered Author, Affiliation or Tag that you can easily remove.

Authors, Affiliation and Tags

4.1.5 The Abstract and Document:

This is where the main portion of your content belongs. The Abstract section provides you with a space separate than that of the Write document itself in order to give an explanation and summary of your paper or thesis.

Adding an Abstract

The Thesis or Paper section is where your journey begins. Similar to cards, this section allows you to add Headings, Images, Tables, Equations, and Dividers to tidy everyhing up.

4.1.6 Adding references:

Adding references to your document is very similar to the way you add them in Cards. Select the portion of text you'd like to add a reference to and click on the [Ref] button in the Rich Text Editor menu.

After that, you can search through PubMed for the publication in question, or add your own by providing a URL, choosing references you already have in your Library or creating your own manually.

Adding References

4.1.7 Saving your document:

The document is saved in real-time. There's no need for you to search for a Save button, since every change in the document itself is constantly and consistently recorded so that you never lose any information you've entered due to an empty battery or power outage.

If you'd like to continue your writing, you can always find your document in your Library.

Saved Document

From there you can also create a backup of your Write document by downloading it, copy it to other chapters, move it to other chapters, send it to your peers, or move it to trash should you no longer need it.

Document options