
1.1 Top Navigation Bar

The Top Navigation Bar contains essential functionalities to make your Elumity experience as fluid as possible. In this section, we’ll cover most of the functions and how you can fully utilize them in Elumity.

1.1.1 Switching between modules

Elumity features three distinct modules - Library, Cards, and Quiz. All three are switchable directly from the top navigation bar.

The Elumity Navigation bar

Click on any of the three items on the left side of the Search bar to switch between them. Your data will automatically be saved, and your chapter tree is shared between the modules, making organization a breeze.

The Search Bar is one of Elumity’s essential features. Depending on which module or chapter you’re in, it will adapt and allow you to search for files specific to that section.

The Search bar

To access and use it, simply click on the empty field box of the Search Bar and search through your documents.

1.1.3 Chapter Filter

While the Search Bar is powerful, it searches through the highlighted chapters or modules. If you want to search through your available Chapters, please use the Chapter Filter Bar located right above your Chapter Tree.

Filtering Chapters

By default, the Search functionality doesn’t include the content from your PDF files; it only searches through the titles of all individual files and reference names.

Advanced search menu

Clicking on the three-dot menu of the search bar allows you to expand your search, giving you options such as searching the entire text document, matching the whole word, matching the case, and performing a fuzzy search.

1.1.5 Notifications

The first item on the right-hand side of the Top Nav Bar is the Notifications dropdown. This is where your notifications appear. After saving your favorite topics in Medline (see 2.5), you’ll receive alerts whenever there’s a significant update on your favorite topics.

Notifications icon

1.1.6 Feedback

Your feedback is of absolute importance to us. If you encounter a bug or have a new feature suggestion, please submit it using the submit Feedback button.

Feedback icon

1.1.7 Help

Using this button, you can access the resources hub. There, you’ll find the Elumity Documentation, Frequently Asked Questions, Video Tutorials, Blog, and access to other community resources, such as our Reddit community and more! View section x.x to learn more about the resources hub.

Help icon

1.1.8 Account Settings

The rightmost icon leads you to a dropdown menu that grants you access to your User Account Settings, as well as options to invite a new user or log out of Elumity.

Account settings icon

We will cover user settings in more depth in section 4.0, but in short, these settings include your profile settings, privacy settings, and application settings to make your use of Elumity more personalized.

Settings menu