
1.3 Library View

The library view functions

1.3.1 Documents and References

The Library view shows all the documents you have depending on the chapter you’re currently viewing. If you’re in your root chapter, then the library view will show all your documents. Please note that this excludes any documents that are currently in your “Unsorted” view. If you wish to view the documents from there, you’d have to select the menu item from the left Sidebar.

The Library

If you would rather view all the References you've created or imported, you can do so by clicking the "Refs" menu item in the navigation bar.

The References you created

1.3.2 Import a website

To import a full website as a PDF, use the "Import link” function in the “+ New Document” button menu in the library. A popup dialog will appear asking you to enter a valid URL to import.

Importing a website as a PDF

Once you do, Elumity will convert the website into a PDF with readable text, images, and other website formatting options, making it easy to annotate, clip, and reference the imported webpage.

1.3.3 Upload a document

To upload one of your existing documents from your hard drive to Elumity, use the “+ New” button in the upper left half of the Library view. Clicking it will open a file upload window showing your personal local files and folders. Select what you would like to upload and wait for the file upload prompt to finish. Once done, the document will appear in the chapter where you uploaded it. You can upload up to 50 documents this way. Elumity supports PDFs, images, videos, audio files, as well as all standard document, spreadsheet, and presentation file formats.

Uploading a file

1.3.4 Filtering Library Documents

Once you have amassed all your needed documents, you can filter them by file type. The filter submenu allows you to filter your annotated and unannotated PDFs, document types such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files, or images, annotated images, video, and audio files.

Filter your Library

You can also filter all your files by tags if you have assigned any tags to them.

1.3.5 Sorting Library Documents

Sometimes you want to sort your files a certain way, whether it’s by upload date, name, or some other sorting method. Elumity supports sorting your documents by most of what you’ll need to keep your Library clean.

Sorting options

Your options are to either sort by Recently opened or edited files, Import date, Title, or Type, in ascending or descending order.

1.3.6 Changing Library item scale

To change the scale of items in the library, use the menu item on the far right, denoting the scale of library items.

Scaling options

The scaling of items can be adjusted from 70% at the smallest to 200% at the largest scale.

1.3.7 Opening a Document

To open any supported document, you can either double-click on the document’s thumbnail or right-click and select “open”. The document will automatically open in a new browser tab. Depending on the document type you’re opening, you’ll either be greeted with the Elumity PDF Viewer or the Elumity Media Viewer.

Opening a document by right-clicking it

1.3.8 Bookmarking and Tagging Documents

Bookmarking and tagging documents inside the Elumity Library is simple. By right-clicking the document or using the three-dot menu, you can pick several visual cues for your document.

Tags and bookmarks

The first option is the Bookmark, which adds a visual cue to the top right corner of your document. Use this to tag your important documents.


The second tagging option is “Annotate”. Use it to tag the documents you have annotated or wish to annotate in the near future. The third option is “Learn”. Use it to tag all the documents you wish to save for later or categorize them as essential to your learning journey. Both tags can be added simultaneously.

The Annotate and Learn tags

The fourth option is “Done”. This tag automatically removes the previous two options, Annotate and Learn, and applies the “Done” tag to your document.

Done tag

You can also use these tags to filter documents with the corresponding tags using the “Filter” option in the Elumity Library Menu bar.

Filter based on your tags

1.3.9 Extracting Pages from PDF Files

Elumity offers several useful PDF features, one of which is the ability to extract single or multiple pages from a PDF.

Extract page in the right-click menu

To do this, find the PDF you want to extract pages from, right-click on it, and select the “Extract page” option. This will open the page select prompt where you can define which pages you want to extract.

Extract page dialogue

1.3.10 Copy, Move, and Delete Documents

To copy, move, or delete your documents, find the document you want, right-click it, and select the desired option.

The right-click menu on a library item

Copying a document creates a linked file. The purpose of copying documents inside Elumity is to create “shortcuts” that all lead to the same document, making it accessible throughout other chapters and subchapters. Each copied document retains its annotations, clips, quizzes, and cards linked to it, and updates across Elumity whenever you add new content.

To copy a document, right-click on the document you’d like to copy, select “Copy”, and a pop-up notification will confirm the document has been copied to the clipboard. Select a different chapter where you want a copy to exist, right-click on any open space, and select “Paste”. This will create a copy of your document.

Moving a document places the document from the current chapter to the one you select. The moving process is similar to copying, except it doesn’t keep a copy in the previous chapter.

To move a document, right-click it or use the three-dot menu, select “Move”, go to the chapter you wish to move the document to, right-click on an empty space, and select “Paste”.

1.3.11 Renaming a document

To rename a document, right-click it or click on the three-dot menu and select “Rename”. If you have multiple copies of a document, it will automatically rename them all.

Rename option inside the menu

Please note that a document containing annotations cannot be renamed to avoid breaking any references you've made to that document throughout your Cards and Quizzes.

1.3.12 Downloading a document

You can download any document in your Elumity library.

Right-click on the document you wish to download or use the three-dot menu on the document thumbnail to access the dropdown menu. Select download from the menu to download your file.

Download option

1.3.13 Selecting multiple documents

Selecting files and documents in Elumity is intuitive.

You can select multiple documents by ticking the checkbox in the upper left corner of each document.

Selecting documents

Elumity also supports keyboard and mouse shortcuts. Click on a document, hold shift, and select the last document in the series to select the entire range. You can also hold Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) and click on each individual document to select them.

1.3.14 Manipulating multiple documents (Copy, Move, Delete)

While you have your desired range of documents selected, you can easily move, copy, send, and delete them. There are several ways to do this:

Option 1: Individual Selection

Click on a document's checkbox in the upper left corner to select it.

To select multiple documents individually, hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac) and click on each document you want to select.

Option 2: Range Selection

Click on the checkbox of the first document you want to select.

Hold down the Shift key.

Click on the checkbox of the last document in the range you want to select. This action will select all documents in between.

After selecting multiple documents, you can perform various actions on them.

Right-click menu with selected documents